Via SGMC umbrella fund structures fully managed by SGMC Capital Pte. Ltd., we develop and manage top tier investment funds for international investors. SGMC Capital Pte. Ltd. also has the flexibility to launch dedicated investment funds fully tailored to your requirements.

SGMC Global Dynamic FX Fund

The objective of the fund is to achieve substantial capital appreciation by trading in the global currencies (FX) market. The fund will look to take advantage of both tactical (shorter term and based on momentum and key support / resistance levels) and fundamental opportunities (longer term and based on fundamentals and the macroeconomic environment) to create value for investors.

SGMC Global Dynamic FX Fund

SGMC Asia opportunity Fund

The objective of the fund is to take exposure to strong growth companies in the Asia Pacific region. The fund will look to invest in stocks with higher than average sales growth, average margins and a resultant strong balance sheet. We take concentrated bets in high conviction names and manage the same with an active approach also thanks to the use of derivative instruments to create better risk / reward profiles.

SGMC Asia Opportunity Fund

SGMC Nusantara VCC Fund

SGMC Nusantara is a Singapore domicile investment fund (VCC) looking to achieve investment returns by investing in liquid Indonesia equity market.

  1. Focus on generating absolute return through an unconstrained and concentrated portfolio of companies with an attractive risk/return profile driven by secular growth and themes
  2. Target number of companies between 10-12 companies ➢ Sector agnostic
  3. Actively looking on fertile Initial public offering (IPO)
  4. Intensive bottom-up research with focus on securities valuation (relative value). Deeper due diligence via onshore corporate access

SGMC Nusantara VCC Fund

SGMC AI Revolution Certificate

We believe AI is likely to be the biggest driver of innovation and disruption across every industry group over the next several decades and could have a bigger impact than the internet. From healthcare to transportation, AI is set to revolutionize every sector with its advancements in automation and machine learning technologies.
Our AI strategy aims to capture opportunities, gain targeted exposure to companies offering Artificial Intelligence technologies and contributing to the development and deployment of AI innovations.
We seek to invest in companies that will likely see a high delta on their top line revenue growth through either as creators of Artificial Intelligence technologies or as users.

SGMC AI Revolution Certificate